Learning and schooling support
The REAL research centre studies support for learning and support for children from a wide range of perspectives. Research focuses on the support at system level, and e.g., the regional differences in the provision of support, as well as more targeted topics related to support. However, the research theme overlaps with most of the projects and data in the research centre. For example, the Tuettu-project investigates issues related to inclusion from the perspective of the placement of students with special educational needs, and in the 2018 & 2022 rounds of the PISA survey, one of the perspectives is the participation and performance of pupils receiving intensified (Tier 2) or special (Tier 3) support. In addition, the study on education, teaching and well-being in the school community during the Corona pandemic has examined schooling during the Corona pandemic also from the perspective of learning and schooling support.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of support in early childhood education and primary education in the Tampere urban area (2024–2025)
The research project examined the implementation, arrangements, and competency needs of support for learning, growth, and schooling in early childhood education and primary education in the municipalities of the Tampere urban area. The study was commissioned by the Tampere Region Education and Training Development Service Osake. The aim was to provide information for the municipalities of the Tampere urban area to develop support arrangements. The evaluations of early childhood education and primary education aimed to produce as comparable data as possible between different educational levels, but the evaluations also addressed themes specific to different educational levels.
The data consisted of survey data and interview data. The survey data was collected in the spring of 2024 from teachers and principals in early childhood education and primary education in Tampere and its surrounding municipalities (N=451). The interview data was collected in the autumn of 2024 by conducting focus group interviews with teachers (N=23).
The REAL Research Centre at the Tampere University was responsible for conducting the research. Osake was responsible for finding participants for the study.
The final report of the project will be published in 2025.
Support for learning and school attendance. Report on the views of education providers on the support arrangements in municipalities (2022)
Under the Basic Education Act, students are entitled to teaching based on the curriculum, guidance counselling and sufficient support for learning and school attendance on school days as soon as such a need arises. The aim of the study was to survey the practices used in municipalities and the principles guiding them when organising and implementing support for learning and school attendance. The study was commissioned by a working group set up by the Ministry of Education and Culture under the Right to Learn programme to prepare measures to promote support for learning, support for children and inclusion in early childhood education and care, pre-primary education and primary and lower secondary education.
The key questions that the working group tackles in the report are:
1) How to determine the interface between intensified and special needs support?
2) What are the needs for support for learning and school attendance for which general, intensified or special needs support is offered to students?
3) What concrete forms of support are included at the different levels of support?
National survey data collected from the experts used by education providers related to support for learning and school attendance (N = 189 education providers) were used as the data material. Respondents were allowed to respond to the survey in Finnish or Swedish. Three case examples of students were also used in connection with the survey to examine support arrangements provided by local authorities. Besides compiling data on the main questions, the survey collected information on key themes in learning and support for school attendance that have emerged from earlier studies and surveys. This was done so as to complement the understanding of differences and similarities between the different levels of support
Publication (in Finnish):
Lintuvuori, M. & Irene R. (2022). Oppimisen ja koulunkäynnin tuki - Selvitys opetuksen järjestäjien näkemyksistä tuen järjestelyistä kunnissa. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön julkaisuja 6:2022. Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö
Educational support from early childhood to the transition to upper secondary education: actualisation of equity and needs for development (2018)
Equality and fairness are the guiding principles of the Finnish education system. Special education plays a central role in achieving educational equality. A more detailed review of the current state of equality is needed to assess how well existing support systems in Finland are meeting learning and development needs.
This longitudinal project examined early childhood, pre-primary, and primary education support systems, as well as their relation to pupils’ transition from basic education to secondary education.
The project involved cooperation of a large number of experts in the areas of special education and training, assessment of education, early childhood education, and economics from the University of Tampere and the University of Helsinki, along with researchers from the State Audit Office and the State Economic Research Center.
Objectives of the project
Identify regional disparities in the provision of support for early childhood, pre-primary, and basic education
Examine the implementation of the support programmes (inclusion versus segregation) to identify the importance of learning outcomes and attitudes
Examine the secondary school education placement of pupils receiving special support in primary school
Determine how funding changes affect the ability of municipalities to provide special support
Identify how support programmes plan to meet development needs in the fields of early childhood, pre-primary, and primary education
Publication (in finnish)
Vainikainen, M.-P., Lintuvuori, M., Paananen, M., Eskelinen, M., Kirjavainen, T. Hienonen, N., Jahnukainen, M., Thuneberg, H., Asikainen, M., Suhonen, E., Alijoki, A., Sajaniemi, N., Reunamo, R., Keskinen, H-L. & Hotulainen, R. (2018). Oppimisen tuki varhaislapsuudesta toisen asteen siirtymään: tasa-arvon toteutuminen ja kehittämistarpeet. Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja, 55/2018. Valtioneuvoston kanslia.
Contact persons:
Meri Lintuvuori
Research Centre for Education, Assessment, and Learning
+358 50 4484007
Ninja Hienonen
Research Centre for Education, Assessment, and Learning
+358 50 3182273