Corona reasearch project
National survey on distance learning arrangements during corona situations
A collaborative project between the University of Helsinki and the University of Tampere has investigated the effects of the corona emergency on schooling, education and well-being.
The project has conducted four nationwide surveys among pupils in grades 4 to 10 of basic education, guardians, teachers, headmasters and other school staff. The surveys were carried out in spring 2020, autumn 2020 and spring 2021 and spring 2022.
The published interim reports and press releases of the project can be found in the links below. The final report of the project will be published in 2024.
Contact persons:
Mari-Pauliina Vainikainen
University of Tampere
Research Centre for Education, Assessment and Learning
+358 50 4377303
Arja Rimpelä
University of Tampere
Research on Children's and Adolescents' Health Promotion
+358 50 5698285
Risto Hotulainen
University of Helsinki
Centre for educational assesment
+358 50 5201664
Raisa Ahtiainen
University of Helsinki
Centre for educational assesment
+358 50 3182186