Members of REAL to attend ECER Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus

Members of REAL have travelled to Cyprus this week to attend ECER Conference. We have compiled a list of presentations from our members below. The names of the presenters are in bold in the list.

Tuesday 27.8.

  • At 17.15: Nazeri, Enestam & Vainikainen

    • Finnish Language Utilisation Rate and Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Students with Immigrant Background in Finland

Thursday 29.8.

  • At 9.30: Lintuvuori, Hienonen, Kilpi, Oinas, Asikainen & Jahnukainen

    • Performance in the Cognitive tasks of Pupils with SEN in Different Placement options, from General education class to Special class

Friday 30.8.

  • At 11.30: Vainikainen

    • Chairs the session “09 SES 16 B: Exploring Factors Influencing Academic Achievement and Motivation”

  • At 11.30: Gustavson, Vainikainen & Koivuhovi

    • Development of Cognitive Learning to Learn Competences, Learning-related Beliefs, and School Achievement Through the Nine-year Basic Education in Finland

  • At 11.30: Nyman, Koivuhovi, Vainikainen & Hotulainen

    • Motivation Profiles as Explanatory Factors of Task Behaviour and Student Performance

  • At 11.30: Kilpi, Hienonen & Vainikainen

    • Does the Use of ICT at School Predict Lower Reading Literacy Scores? Multiple Group Analyses with PISA 2000-2022 Data


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